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A Message from CEO
Stable, quality and affordable housing is key to sustainable, strong and growing communities. Rocky Mount Housing Authority is committed to providing excellent customer and property management services to families with integrity and mutual accountability. We also strive to assist families from dependency to self-sufficiency. We thank you for the opportunity to serve the greater Edgecombe and Nash County communities.
Some of the design features of our updated website include:
Access to all portals offered by Rocky Mount Housing on the home page of the website.
- News feed from the home page now features three articles for a quick review of the latest news posted on the site with archives of older articles.
- Residents pages including information for residents/participants including Home Ownership
- Public Housing, HCV/Section 8 and Mainstream Voucher pages
- Procurement and Resources
- Communities - Find housing properties in your area by type of property
Kelvin L. Macklin
Chief Executive Officer